Periods of ICT

 Periods of ICT Development

The beginning of ICT can be traced back when humans started to use objects to communicate with one another. It is a ascertained that ICT began along with the rise of humans. There are four main periods in history that divide the era of ICT, namely, the premechanical, mechanical, electromechanical, and electronic periods. The periods that greatly affect our lives today involve the electromechanical period and the electronic period. Nevertheless, there is still a need to observe and learn from the previous periods to appreciate the technologies enjoyed today.

The Premechanical Period- can be traced back thousands of years ago, around 3000 BCE 1450 CE. During this time, human started communicating with one another using words and pictograms curved in rocks. Then they started to write symbols as substitutes for pictures to depict ideas, objects, and animals. These gave rise to our modern-day alphabet

.•The Mechanical Period- served as the bridge between our current period and the premechanical period.  This period started around 1450-1840. During this time, the interest in automating and speeding up numerical calculation grew. The machines driven by mechanical means such as steam and gears dominated information processing and calculation

.• The Electromechanical Period- ushered ina new age in communication and information. This period started around 1840-1940. In this period, the use of electricity for information handling and transfer bloomed. The need and the urgency to share information with one another in a faster yet reliable manner over long distances aroused. This period saw the use of the telegraph to transmit information over long distances.

The Electronic Period- the last period in ICT history is the electronic period. It started in the 1940’s and continues to the present. The highlight of this period is focused on the advent of solid state devices or electronic devices. The four main events found in this period are the late vacuum tubes period, the transistors period, the integrated circuits period, and the computer processors period.

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